Saturday, September 17, 2016

How to make your kids smarter? Guide to parents...

Give them Brain food!

What are brain foods?

Food rich in omega-3 fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), Vitamin E, Veggie greens, Folate, Anti-oxidants like blueberry, Goji berry, (basically all kinds of berries), Sun flower seeds, Peanuts, Garbanzo beans for protein, Almonds, Dates, Walnut, Healthy fats like Avocado, Coconut oil in moderation. Also not to forget multigrains.

Exercise, meditate, Relax!

Exercise can bring more blood to the brain thereby bringing more oxygen. Brain needs oxygen to perform well. Let's not forget about a wiseman's words "A healthy body is a healthy mind".

Why should kids meditate? They should be taught a rule not to freak out over small situations.

Play them music! Better yet teach them music!

It directly helps hone their cognitive development. Rhythm, modulation, tone are all important aspect of a child's development. Our brain is a muscle that needs exercise in order to function well. By playing music, learning the key strokes, our brain's white matter and grey matter gets it's boost. In short, kids learn faster when you show them a video along with the music. Make them a video and they would be grasping the concepts like a pro. Media isn't all that bad if your kids can learn easily.

Ask them to sing, read or play some music!

You are obviously your child's number one fan. Show them the love. They will love the fanfare! Thus building confidence. Have a karaoke night or day and have all the songs ready and sing together! Some of my favorite music for kids are

1. Gift of a friend - Demi Lovato - Tinkerbell movie
2. Shine - Croods Track
3. Small wonder theme music
4. Pickle and peanut theme song
5. Wabbit theme song
6. Peg plus cat theme song
7. Fly to your heart - Selena Gomez - Tinkerbell movie
8. Happy by Pharrell williams
9. Super simple songs on youtube
10. Mother goose club on youtube

Kids learn by example

If you want your kids to be smart, you have to be smart. You can't just ask the child to perform well if you don't show them how. Kids these days don't know how to play because their parents don't allow them to play outside.

Spend time making creative things around home!

Teach them science experiments, cook food with them, Let them use the cooking tools. It helps them with fine motor skills.

It is important that kids follow your instructions. Give them small tasks around the house. Based on age group, they can fetch things, switch lights off, turn on fan or bring a spoon.

Social skills are as important as Intelligence!

Encourage them to achieve on their own and not be a helicopter parent!

Don't choose their profession and what they need to be!

Let them make decisions, give them freedom and ability to make choices for themselves.

Making friends with older age group help them advance socially and intellectually.

Life is about fun, play and work! Don't forget to splash around with a water gun on a hot day.